I-PRIMO 新光三越台中中港店 Rock & Crystal

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The best memory with my husband from I-PRIMO

Rock & Crystal( 2024立約 )

It’s a memorable day with my husband. We didn’t know what to do in the afternoon, I suggested we can go to pick out our Betroth Them, he was very surprised but still went into I-PRIMO with me. 

When we entered, have a clerk came near us with a big smile, she is Verna. Verna is a professional clerk at I-PRIMO. In two hours, we tried on many rings, she patiently gave us more suggestion to let us know how to choose the right ring. Despite the long time spent selecting, she still carefully shared the story of each ring. 

We realized I-PRIMO is carefully produce each ring and take each customer seriously. We really recommend many people can come to I-PRIMO to find the prefect ring. 

“Different people have different memory, but I-PRIMO give us the best memory”

Thank you I-PRIMO, thank you Verna.



訂婚鑽石戒指與結婚對戒首選 I-PRIMO 邂逅命運之戒的婚禮鑽石首飾專賣店